Niwaki Shore Pine with fine textured clouds belongs in every Northwest garden.
Niwaki Shore Pine with fine textured clouds belongs in every Northwest garden.
Bentwood pines are pruned to uniquely reflect the shapes created by natures energy.
Bentwood “macro-bonsai” is to be enjoyed as a potted specimen or as a garden tree.
For over twenty-five years, Bentwood Pines have found an unique place in West Coast gardens.
Bentwood pines stand alone as a superb specimen or clumped in groves to tell another story.
“In his garden, every man may be his own artist without apology or explanation” – Louise Beebe Wilde
Using time honored Japanese pruning techniques, Laura and Tom bend and manipulate to release the unique character concealed in each Read more
Trusted by landscape contractors and garden designers throughout the pacific coast. Bentwood Tree Farm…the “Candy Store” – Masa Mizuno